Saturday, June 21, 2014

Need a candidate who can control DOM

Document Object Model (DOM) is an Application Programming Interface (API) for HTML and XML. I was reading this article at Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) and it has mentioned that DOM is a fully object-oriented representation of web page and we can modify its content and control the visual representation (CSS/styling) by using client side scripting languages like JavaScript.

If the DOM can be controlled by JavaScript for both modifying the content and to control its visual appearance then why a front-end developer is always deprived from writing JavaScript? You may say: No. He/she writes JavaScript for showing/hiding elements, and to create a modal dialog, or to develop some widgets like tabs and accordions. But, we never let him/her write business logic. Wait. That’s the point where you are under-utilizing your resources. Let them write the business logic. Everyone can learn, everyone can improve, and everyone can contribute. Just give them that opportunity—start with small.  

A front-end developer whose job is to create DOM is not allowed to control it with JavaScript and the JavaScript developer who knows very less about DOM is allowed to control it. Isn't it strange? Are we actually letting the right people do the right job, or we are making the working system more complex? Wouldn't it be great if all front-end developers know JavaScript and all JavaScript developers understand the DOM as a first step in development?

It is absolutely necessary to create such all-rounder developers in the organization itself instead of separating these two essential parts of DOM.

The requirements are changing in IT industry today. Most of the companies are looking for the candidates who have in-depth knowledge of the DOM and JavaScript. A few people succeed in it and the majority settles for the one half of it compromising the other. How can we expect such a blend when we haven’t created one?

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